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utilizing Calcium Glycerophosphate
in Respiratory, Dermatological and Urological Applications
# = Studies generated or underwritten by AkPharma Inc.
Note: Links connect with publication sites. Published abstracts accessible free in some cases; charge applies to others if not journal subscriber. All AkPharma-generated material (marked by #) is accessible via direct link on this site from article or study location.
# Calcium Glycerophosphate Nasal Spray Reduces Rhinitis Symptoms; Edward Schulman, MD1, Mary Hendry, RN, MS1, Michael Sherman, MD1 and Margaret Weis, PhD2 - 1Dept of Medicine, Div. of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, Drexel Univ. College of Medicine, Philadelphia PA, 2Dept.of Biomed. Sciences, School of Pharmacy, Texas Tech Univ. Health Sciences Center, Amarillo, TX, Nov. 2015.
# DREXEL-SCHULMAN Compressed Report.pdf
# Effects of AkPharma’s Calcium Glycerophosphate Nasal Spray Wash (AkP010112A) on Patient-Perceived Breathing Comfort; Lovelace Scientific Resources, Inc., Albuquerque, NM; Nov 2014 (Unpublished)
# Acoustic Rhinometry and Pathologic Analysis on Ovalbumin-Sensitized Guinea Pigs Treated with Calcium Glycerophosphate; Brackee G & Weis M, Texas Tech Univ. Lab. Animal Res Ctr, Lubbock Campus, TX; Dec 5, 2011 (Unpublished)
# Effects of Inhaled Calcium Glycerophosphate on Rhinitis Responses in Ragweed Sensitized Dogs – FY09-133; Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute, Albuquerque, NM, March 2010 (Unpublished)
# Efficacy of Calcium Glycerophosphate (CGP) against SARS-CoV-2 in a Syrian hamster model; Lovelace Biomedical, Albuquerque, NM, USA; Dec 5, 2020
# RT-qPCR Determination of SARS-CoV-2 for Protocol FY21-155, “SARS-CoV-2 Efficacy of Aerosolized Calcium Glycerophosphate (CGP) in a Syrian hamster model; Lovelace Biomedical, Albuquerque, NM, USA; June 2021 (LOVELACE 8)
# LOVELACE 8 (2) FY21-155 Data Summary 22 September2021
# LOVELACE 8 (3) FY21-155 RT-qPCR and TCID50 lung weights
# LOVELACE 8 (4) FY21-155 Raw Weight Data
# LOVELACE 8 (5) FY21-155 FINAL TCID50 DATA Lung Day 5
# Effects of Intra-Nasal Calcium Glycerophosphate on Olfactory Recovery in Post-Viral Smell Loss on Mouse-Adapted H1N1 Flu Virus Strain – Influenza A/Puerto Rico/8/34 (PR8) Infected Mice, Hong Wang, PhD.Karen Yee, PhD, Emma Larson, BS, Monell Chemical Senses Center, Philadelphia, PA 19104, May 1, 2023
# Calcium Glycerophosphate attenuates hypoxia and cytokine-induced increases in epithelial permeability in the Caco-2 model of intestinal transport. Caco-2 Study Report; Palkia Datta, Margaret T. Weis, Dept Biomedical Sci, School of Pharmacy, Texas Tech
Univ Health Sci Center, Amarillo, TX – 10-01-14
# Datta & Weis - CGP defense in Caco2 cells - 2014
# Datta & Weis - Boston poster 2015
# Datta & Weis – TTU – alpha vs. beta GP in tight junctional integrity report – 06-10-15
# Datta & Weis - Caco-2 cells – 2nd Exp. – Writeup – June 2015
# An RCT on the Effects of Topical CGP on Surgical Wound Appearance and Residual Scarring in Bilateral Total-Knee Arthroplasty Patients; Ong A, Orozco F, Sheikh ES, Anmuth C, Alfaro A, Kathrins R, Grove GL, Zerweck C, Madden AM, Raspa R, Weis MT; J. Wound Care, 20:12, 592-598, Dec 2011
# ATTOEAC3.PDF - Comparative wound heal graphs by separate scorers
# Journal of Wound Care_20_12_592_598_Weis_Print
Two Non-clinical setting cosmetic-use observation sequences
# A set of sequential photographic observations on a pair of facial (nasal) excision scars on a 70-year old female, one scar treated with AkPharma’s CGP-content aqueous lotion vs. one scar untreated – 2005; s-s observ 1 page
2003-2009 – Sequence of AkPharma-Sponsored Skin Effects
Studies using Calcium Glycerophosphate (CGP)
(all of 2003-2009 Sequence unpublished – All click-linkable)
(1) Dansyl Chloride Cell Renewal Study to Evaluate the Ability of a Topically Applied Test Formulation to Enhance Epidermal Cell Renewal; KGL #5305A, Skin Study Center – Ivy Laboratories, KGL Inc, Broomall, PA, 20 Jan 2004
(2) Leg Regression Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of a Test Product Formulation Containing Calcium Glycerophosphate as a Dermal Treatment; KGL #5305B, Skin Study Center – Ivy Laboratories, KGL Inc, Broomall, PA, 20 Jan 2004
(3) Dansyl Chloride Cell Renewal Study to Evaluate the Ability of Two Topically Applied Test Formulations to Enhance Epidermal Cell Renewal; KGL #5698, Skin Study Center – Ivy Laboratories, KGL Inc, Broomall, PA, 20 Jan 2005
(4) A Single-Blind, Randomized, Controlled Pilot Study with Topical Calcium Glycerophosphate in Patients with Tape-Strip Damaged Skin; # TOPCGP-2005, CyberDERM Clinical Studies, Broomall, PA, 17 Feb 2006
(5) A Randomized, Controlled Pilot Study Assessing Topical Calcium Glycerophosphate as a Potential Agent for Minimizing Damage due to Adhesive Dressings; Research Report SO6-15, CyberDERM Clinical Studies, Broomall, PA, 24 March 2006
(6) A Randomized, Controlled 5 Day Pilot Study Assessing Topical Calcium Glycerophosphate as a Potential Agent for Minimizing Skin Damage due to Adhesive Dressings; Research Report SO6-19, CyberDERM Clinical Studies, Broomall, PA, 19 June 2006
(7) A Randomized, Controlled Pilot Study Comparing Potential Agents for Minimizing Damage due to Adhesive Dressings; Research Report SO6-92, CyberDERM Clinical Studies, Broomall, PA, 16 Nov 2006
(8) A Single Blind,Randomized, Controlled Long Term Leg Regression Study with TFA SO6-87 in Patients with Moderate to Severe Dry Skin; Research Report SO6-87, CyberDERM Clinical Studies, Broomall, PA, 22 Dec 2006
(9) 5 Day Anti-Inflammatory Test Using Skin Trauma After Razor Shaving Bioassay; Research Report SO7-54, CyberDERM Clinical Studies, Broomall, PA, 14 Sep 2007
(10) 4-Day Hand Study Pilot to Determine the Potential Benefits of Topical CGP Formulations on Chapped Hands; Research Report SO9-18, CyberDERM Clinical Studies, Broomall, PA, 2 Apr 2009
(11) 24 Hour Modified Soap Chamber Study to Assess Calcium Glycerophosphate as a Potential Agent for Reducing Skin Irritation from Dishwashing Liquids; Research Report SO9-27, CyberDERM Clinical Studies, Broomall, PA, 7 July 2009
Utilizing/citing Calcium Glycerophosphate
# Use of Prelief With Foods and Subjective Responses and the Effectiveness of Calcium Glycerophosphate (Prelief®) in Decreasing Symptoms of Interstitial Cystitis and Improving Quality of Life of Patients with Food-related Exacerbations; Bologna, RA, et al;, Phila, PA, and Whitmore et al, Graduate Hosp, Phila, PA, 1998 – Slides
# The Effects of Use of Calcium Glycerophosphate in Patients’ Perception of Pain From Interstitial Cystitis Using NMP as a Marker – DiTrolio et al – AUA NYC Session Meeting Display 2005 - Slides
# DiTrolio et al – CGP Effects on Bladder per NMP – c.2005.pdf
REFERENCES citing use of calcium glycerophosphate in interstitial cystitis
Interstitial Cystitis, Painful Bladder Syndrome, Bladder Pain Syndrome, Hypersensitive Bladder Syndrome, Chronic Pelvic Pain, Diagnosis & Treatment – An Overview; Meijlink JM; Intl Painful Bladder Found, IPBF Publication No. 1, Aug 2011
Dietary Consumption Triggers in Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome Patients; Bassaly R, et al; Female Pelvic Med Reconstructive Surgery, 17.1: 36-39, 2011
Diagnosis and Treatment of Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome – AUA Guideline; Hanno P, et al, p 17 col 1, Sep 2014
Interstitial Cystitis Patients’ Use and Rating of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Therapies; Hoffmann A, et al; Intl Continence Soc (ICS) Ann Mtg,Toronto (Poster), Aug 23-27, 2010
Minimally Invasive Therapies for Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome; Wehbe SA, et al; Current Urology Reports, 11.4: 276-285, 2010
Urologic Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome; Martinez-Bianchi V, et al; Prim Care Clinic Office Practice, 37.3: 527-546, 2010
Differences in Food Sensitivities Between Female Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome (IC/ PBS) and Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CP/CPPS) Patients; Herati AS, et al; American Urological Association Annual Meeting (Study Presentation), Chicago, IL (Poster) Apr 25-30, 2009
Interstitial Cystitis; Myers DL; Medicine & Health/Rhode Island, 92.1: 22-26, 2009
Patient Perceived Outcomes of Treatments Used for Interstitial Cystitis; Hill, JR, et al; Urology, 71.1:62-66, 2008
# Complementary and Alternative Therapies as Treatment Approaches for Interstitial Cystitis; Whitmore KE; Reviews in Urology; 4 (Supplement 1): S28–S35, 2002
The Painful and Overactive Bladder Syndromes: Interstitial Cystitis: a Pathophysiology and Treatment Update; Moldwin RM & Sant GR; Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology: Vol. 45, Issue 1, 259-272; March 2002
# The Efficacy of Calcium Glycerophosphate in the Prevention of Food-Related Flares in Interstitial Cystitis; Bologna RA, et al; Urology Supplement (Vol. 57-6A, 119-120), June 2001
Solving the Interstitial Cystitis Mystery; Willis A; Los Angeles: Holistic Life Enterprises, pp. 17-18, 2001
Drug Update: Interstitial Cystitis; Zoler ML, et al; OB/GYN News, Dec 1, 2001
The Therapeutic Effect of Calcium Glycerophosphate (Prelief®) in Interstitial Cystitis; Jones, P; Interstitial Cystitis Support Group (ICSG), United Kingdom; 2000 [Not a clinical study; survey by support association]
# Survey of the Effect of Prelief on Food-Related Exacerbation of Interstitial Cystitis Symptoms (statistical analysis and summary); Visintainer PF; New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY, 1999
Interstitial Cystitis: Update on Etiologies and Therapeutic Options; Erickson, DR; J Woman's Health Gender Based Med, Vol. 8, No. 6. (1999), pp. 745-758
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